In One Sentence I’m exceptionally cerebral, technical, and to myself in my pursuit of knowledge to understand how things work but I have trouble relating to people

Essence Qualities Clarity, Illumination, Objectivity

Basic Fear ignorance

Basic Desire to feel encyclopedic

Famous 5s

Albert Einstein, Alfred Hitchcock, Andy Warhol, Bill Gates, Blaise Pascal, Bobby Fischer, Eckhart Tolle, Glenn Gould, Kurt Vonnegut, Jean-Paul Sartre, John Cage, Mark Zuckerberg, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Meredith Monk, Rene Descarte, Stephen King, Stephen Hawking, Tim Burton, J.R.R. Tolkien, Tobi Lutke

Levels of Consciousness

Creative: curious, scrutinizing 

Controlling: eccentric, reclusive

Destructive: caustic, doomsaying

Shock point fear (the fear that causes the slip from Creative to Controlling consciousness) 

I have not mastered enough to feel confident to be in the world

Examples of shock point fears

  • Someone found a flaw in my code… Are there people smarter than me??

  • The leading research expert on armadillos’ dietary preferences has just disproved my exquisitely elaborate theory of leprosy contraction as it relates to armadillos, and now life as I know it has lost its inherent meaning

  • My wife wants me to be an expert in understanding her emotions and giving love… I’m completely stumped.

  • I predicted global warming but no one believed me…

Why I get provoked Illuminating my ignorance, questioning my unemotional perception of reality, or bringing me in touch with emotions and personal obligations that I don’t understand and don’t want to understand because I’m all about unsentimental, unbiased discovery

How I cope with fear I become The Hermit. I pull out of the world to live immersed in my cave of facts that I study and study and study until I become an expert, since data is the only thing I can trust in life; definitely not humans who (unless they’re like me) are, by definition, a curiously odd, feelings-driven species i.e. an irrational creature

My Emotions are puzzling – a strange, sentient anomaly

How was your day, Type 5?

“Let me tell you what I read today.”

Behavioral pattern Withdrawn. I need to immerse myself in a world of uninterrupted study which gives the priceless jewel of knowledge and pricelessly shelters me from all the ridiculous people with emotions

5 with 4 Wing I’m one of the most withdrawn people, heady and artistic, avant-garde in my vision, with refined taste, and fascinated by the realm of emotions which are foreign to my cerebral self 

5 with 6 Wing I am a compulsive problem-solver who loves to live in the world of books but also loves to be there for others with my knowledge, provided I get to be the expert and nothing feels emotional

A Personal Meditation for Growth My innocent love of knowledge endears people when I really care about them and can express it

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