Enneagram Type 3 (The Achiever) with a 4 Wing

Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Why we think Ryan Reynolds is a Type 3

  • Speaking about failure as a path to success. In interviews, Reynolds has spoken about dealing with the commercial failure of "Green Lantern" and how he used that experience to fuel his motivation to ensure "Deadpool" was a success. 

  • Fear of failure. Reynolds got candid about his fear of failure in the film industry on the SmartLess podcast. He talked about how much he internalized the message that came from his father about not failing. He confessed the stress around failure made him consider a career in banking instead of acting to have a 'normal life.'

  • Pursuit of success in multiple arenas. Besides his acting career, Reynolds has pursued success in the business world as an entrepreneur with successful ventures such as Aviation Gin and Mint Mobile. He has shrewdly used his celebrity status and humor in marketing these brands.

  • Anxiety and burnout. In a New York Times interview in 2018, he revealed that he often felt anxious about his packed schedule and the high expectations placed upon him, leading him to overwork and take on heavy stress.

  • Struggles with authenticity. Reynolds has spoken about how, earlier in his career, he felt the need to project a certain image or persona that wasn't necessarily true to himself, such as the "party-hard" persona of Van Wilder, a role he played early in his career.

Ryan Reynolds quotes that show he is a Type 3

  • "I never took acting classes, but I knew I could do it based on the skill with which I lied to my parents on a regular basis!"

  • “I've always just liked working.”

  • "I have a discipline that has served me very well in my career and in my personal life... and that's gotten stronger as I've gotten older. I've always felt if I don't just have a natural knack for it, I will just out-discipline the competition if I have to -- work harder than anybody else."

  • “Marathon running, for me, was the most controlled test of mettle that I could ever think of. It's you against Darwin.”

  • "I've always relied on discipline to achieve goals great and small."

  • "You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine."