Enneagram Type 3 (The Achiever) with a 4 Wing

Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Anderson Cooper quotes that show he is a Type 3

  • “There was a time when I first started when I made a fake press pass and borrowed a camera and headed into wars, and for three years, that was the only kind of story I was interested in doing.”

  • “The more I saw, however, the more I needed to see. I tried to settle down back home in Los Angeles, but I missed that feeling, that rush. I went to see a doctor about it. He told me I should slow down for a while, take a break. I just nodded and left, booked a flight out that day. It didn’t seem possible to stop.”

  • "I think you have to be yourself, and you have to be real and you have to admit what you don't know, and talk about what you do know, and talk about what you don't know as long as you say you don't know" (this quote also reflects his 4 Wing).

  • "I try to be as honest about what I see and to speak rather than be silent, especially if it means I can voice things that others might be afraid to." (which is indicative of the 4 Wing)

  • “Hope is not a plan.”

  • “I’d wanted emotion but couldn’t find it here, so I settled for motion.”

  • "I've always loved the thrill of not taking anything for granted, going from one story to another, pushing myself harder each time."

  • "I am most comfortable in chaos, and there's something thrilling about diving into the unknown and coming out successful."