Anger is like a temptress, seducing us with promises of control and justice. And yet, for the vast majority of us, how we deal with our anger almost always leaves us further from our goals and creates collateral damage in the process. In this episode, Michael and Rasanath discuss the complexities of anger and how to channel it in a healthy way. They unpack why anger is often the default response of our egos, how anger is a symptom of an unmet need that we expect to be fulfilled, the self-righteousness that can be attached to anger, the shame we may feel when someone breaks our trust, and how we can productively experience our anger while still holding people accountable.

Podcast Hosts: Michael and Rasanath


  • [03:41] The self-righteousness that is often attached to anger

  • [04:04] Why do we feel the emotion of anger?

  • [05:18] Differentiating between a violation of a basic human right vs. when the ego feels violated

  • [10:58] Why anger is often the default response

  • [12:34] How anger is like a temptress

  • [17:06] Anger as an unmet need that we expect to be fulfilled

  • [23:49] How can we productively experience anger while still holding people accountable?


  • “Don’t ask why the anger. Ask what is underneath the anger that I don’t know want to feel.” -Michael

  • “The ego can feel angry when it is denied anything.” -Rasanath

  • “The ego loves to use the phrase, ‘it’s not fair.’” -Michael

  • "Anger comes from the denial of something that I feel I deserve." -Rasanath 

  • “When lust is satisfied it becomes greed. When lust is not satisfied, it becomes anger.” -Rasanath

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About the podcast: Two former monks, a former startup founder and CEO, and a former equity derivatives trader dive into how to be our best selves, free from the ego. Our egos are the identities we create for ourselves and wish the world to validate, but when we are not seen as we want to be, we feel insecure. This podcast lives at the intersection of leadership and spirituality. It will help you understand your ego and shed light on your inner world so that you can act with greater clarity, compassion, and the freedom to be your best self.